Wednesday, May 21, 2008

mercy, Jesus, mercy

This is horrific news. The 5 year old daughter of Steven Curtis Chapman, Maria, was killed this evening in their own driveway (pictured to the right: Maria and Steven) Apparently, one of his teenage son's was backing out of the driveway in an SUV and didn't see her. I am sick. Jesus, sweet Jesus, please be with this family and this boy.

Larry and I had just worked his South Bend concert in March and were so moved by his passion for the orphan and adoption. For the full story click here or on the picture of Maria and Steven.


Christine said...

My stomach flipped when I read this last night, Melissa. I didn't know what to say then. And I don't know what to say now.
I can't imagine the pain.

Spillers4 said...

My dear friend Karen (who also has adopted from China) forwarded the story to me this morning. My heart just aches for the Chapmans. Our prayers are with their entire family during this tragic time.

Khara Brooks said...

I heard about that yesterday. I can only imagine...