Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Two Years Ago Today...

...a scared little girl walked away from the only life she had ever known and into the arms of two people who looked like nothing she had ever seen and said nothing she could understand but who loved her more than she could ever imagine. I've said it before, but my picture of courage changed that day. She was so very brave for such a little girl. She was sick and little....fiesty and weepy...clingy and scarred...and she was my daughter. Today she is still full of spit and vinegar. She is affectionate and dramatic. She believes she is a princess and we agree. Her becoming a part of our family was and is a miracle.

Happy Gotcha Day, Madeline Yan...mommy loves you...even on exhausting, trying days like today! :-)


strantzformer said...

She is so beautiful! I hope someday that I can adopt a child as well. Your stories are truly inspiring.

Thanks for your comment. I love you too!!!


Khara Brooks said...

Ahhhh....those wonderful trying days. Seems like those are the only ones we have anymore. But no matter how you get 'em, they certainly are precious. God bless you guys!