Thursday, January 17, 2008


Today I had an expected surprise. A few months ago I took the advice of Writer Mama (from her wonderful book, Writer Mama: How To Raise A Writing Career Alongside Your Kids) and started looking at writing some "filler" pieces and submitting them. Well, being the busy mom that I am, I didn't get very far but I did submit one little blurb to Today's Christian (a publication by Christianity Today). It was a comic piece for their Kids in the Kingdom column. I e-mailed my submission and promptly forgot all about it. (I guess I didn't follow Christina's advice on tracking submissions very well!)

Anyway, today I got an envelope in the mail. Inside were two copies of the January/February 2008 issue of Today's Christian with a notecard saying, "Thank you for your contribution. See page 7". So, I did and there was my little anecdote! But it wasn't over yet...I looked inside the envelope and there was a $35 check! My first writing paycheck!!! Whoo-hoo!

Does that make me an official Writer Mama?


Unknown said...

I echo that Woo-hoo twice as loud!

Way to go.

You know you have to keep up that good work, now!

Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

That is too cool!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow - it's that easy?! Woo hoo! Congrats. I may have to check out this writer mama. Heard about the book, have not heard about the blog.

Khara Brooks said...

Wow! Awesome! Congrats!

Life in the Bend said...


I'd be happy to e-mail you the questions my sister-in-law wrote for the shower game. Can you send me your e-mail address? Mine is edawsondrake at

strantzformer said...

I am so proud of you!!!!!!!!

GrangerBaxters said...

WAY TO GO!!!!!