At times I am overwhelmed by the despair I see. On the evening news, in the face of the checker at Walmart, on the tiny faces on the Waiting Child lists, in the mirror... It is crippling. A sickness that is enveloping a world meant to reflect the glory of God. A world in need of a gospel...a gospel of hope. I forget my place in bringing His kingdom on earth and participating in redemption and I am lost once again.
This morning while checking my morning feeds I had a glimpse of hope. Thank you, Jen (Lemen). No matter what your politics, no one can argue that we don't need it... hope.
I love Obama. I hope he gets the big vote!
I was sent this too...it is so good. It is so hard to have hope in this world. And I am also overwhelmed with the responsibility I feel in helping to usher His Kingdom here to earth.
I lose heart when I hear news from Irag of bombs being strapped onto girls with down's syndrome to blow up a market and feel like it is all just too much...I have to believe that everytime we put someones needs above our own...love others more than ourselves...we are making babysteps towards accomplishing what He left us to do...I have to hope at least...
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